Sunday, April 29, 2012

Orange-Scented Almond and Olive Oil Muffins:
Breakfast Synergy at It's Best

I truly believe that breakfast is the most important part of any person's day.  It's a hard reality that skipping this meal basically sets you up for food-failure the rest of the day.  EAT BREAKFAST PEOPLE!

I'm done yelling. Now, this is basically one of my, "Look how yummy your day can begin!" pictures, and it can, but the focus here should be on the muffin in the upper part of the picture that looks so sad and alone.  I came across this recipe, again watching Giada on Food Network, while doing some other mundane task, and said to myself, "I like Almond Flour, and OJ, and Greek yogurt, and EVOO!"  But, more importantly, I LOVE muffins!  So I rolled my sleeves up, turned on the Kitchen Aid and made some muffins.

I did, of course make two important substitutions when making these muffins.  First, I eliminated the sugar for Stevia, and in place of the AP flour I substituted Whole Wheat Flour.  I've found that at times this change in flour can make baked goods a little denser in texture (not unbearable, just different), but because it's mixed with Almond flour in this recipe, you barely notice the difference at all.  The are SOOOO delicious, and the best part is that your entire house smells like citrus and almonds while you're cooking.  

But, remember, a single muffin does not a meal make!  Eat your muffin as your carb/grain/fiber, but add some FF Greek yogurt or Cottage Cheese, some fruit, and maybe some egg whites.  You'll feel like a new person at the beginning of your day, and an even better person at noon when your stomach isn't cursing you for feeding it that Special K bar (which BTW has nothing but crap in it, so just walk by the damn box in the grocery store and leave it for some other person).  

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